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HomeHealthhealth tips should one exercise after heart attack or not know myths...

health tips should one exercise after heart attack or not know myths facts

Exercise after heart attack: The fast paced life, food problems and increasing stress of work are increasing the incidence of heart attacks. In the last few years, its cases have increased rapidly. Especially the youth are getting affected the most, that is why experts recommend living a healthy lifestyle. After a heart attack, the patient should take special precautions. High density exercises can also cause harm.

‘ABP Live Hindi’ has a special presentation on such matters Myth Vs Facts. ‘Myth Vs Facts The series’ attempt is to bring you out of the quagmire of superstitious things and bring you the truth. Here are some common myths related to cancer and their facts… Many people believe that one should not exercise after a heart attack. Know what doctors say…

Myth: You should not exercise after a heart attack
Fact : Regular yoga and exercise is beneficial to avoid heart attack. Some exercises after a heart attack can be harmful to health. Cardiologists say that some things should be kept in mind while exercising after a heart attack. One should avoid doing too much or difficult workouts for a few days, otherwise it can have a bad effect on the heart. Therefore, one should try to avoid high density exercises after a heart attack. Exercises that require too much strength should also be avoided.

It is a myth that it is impossible to return to an active life after a heart attack. The best way to start is to start slowly by walking, even if it is only for five minutes. One should continue walking slowly for short periods until it feels easy and then gradually increase the time and speed later. However, it is important to be cautious while exercising after a heart attack.

what to do after a heart attack
1. Consult a doctor before exercising.
2. You can do slow running or walking after a heart attack.
3. Walking in the open air is beneficial.
4. You can do slow running or walking at least 5 days a week.
5. If you face any problem while running or walking, tell the doctor.

Tips to prevent heart attack
Heart attack can also be fatal, so whenever you see its symptoms, you should immediately rush to the doctor and get the right treatment. Chest pain, abnormal heartbeat are its initial symptoms. Apart from this, a healthy diet and a right lifestyle reduces the risk of heart attack.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

Also read: Myth vs Facts: Does smoking alone cause lung cancer? Disease does not occur at a young age, know what is the reality

Check out below Health Tools-
Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

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