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HomeHealthNational Health Mission: Government Flags Violation by Opposition States, Punjab Gets Warning

National Health Mission: Government Flags Violation by Opposition States, Punjab Gets Warning

The National Health Mission (NHM) is a flagship program of the Government of India that aims to provide accessible, affordable, and quality healthcare to all. However, recent reports suggest that some opposition-ruled states are not following the guidelines of the NHM, leading to a warning being issued to Punjab.

Violation by Opposition States

The NHM guidelines state that the state governments have to follow certain rules and regulations to ensure the successful implementation of the program. However, the central government has flagged the violation of these guidelines by some opposition-ruled states. These states have reportedly diverted funds meant for the NHM to other programs or have not utilized them properly.

This violation of guidelines not only affects the implementation of the program but also puts the health of the people in these states at risk. The NHM aims to provide healthcare to vulnerable populations, including women and children, and any diversion of funds or non-utilization can have serious consequences.

Punjab Gets Warning

Punjab is one of the states that have been warned by the central government for violating the NHM guidelines. The state has reportedly not utilized the funds allocated to it under the program properly, leading to a delay in the implementation of the NHM in the state.

The central government has warned Punjab that if it does not comply with the guidelines and utilizes the funds allocated to it properly, it will face serious consequences. The state has been given a deadline to submit a report on the utilization of funds and the implementation of the NHM.

Importance of NHM

The NHM is an important program that aims to improve the healthcare system in India. It provides financial and technical support to the state governments to strengthen their healthcare systems and ensure that quality healthcare is accessible to all.

The program has been successful in improving the healthcare indicators in the country, including the maternal mortality rate, infant mortality rate, and total fertility rate. It has also contributed to the eradication of diseases such as polio and measles.


The violation of NHM guidelines by some opposition-ruled states is a cause of concern for the central government. It not only affects the implementation of the program but also puts the health of the people in these states at risk. The warning issued to Punjab is a step in the right direction and should be taken seriously by the state government.

The NHM is an important program that has contributed to the improvement of the healthcare system in India. It is important that all states comply with the guidelines and utilize the funds allocated to them properly to ensure that quality healthcare is accessible to all.

David Dass
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